❤My Beloved brother, Eddy❤

by Suzanne Stewart
(La Porte, TX)


The day my older brother passed away, was the day part of me died with him. There is not a day that goes by I don't think about him. I miss him so much😢 sometimes I think it's a dream.

I know that you're in a better place and you're no longer suffering but I just wish you were still here. I know we will see each other again in Heaven but until then my heart will never be whole again💔



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Nov 16, 2012
My Beloved Brother - Selwyn Michel Esparon NEW
by: Nelda Boniface

Exactly 2 years and 9 months has passed since you left us without a word of goodbye brother.
We still cannot accept the way you left us
and your departure has left a void in our lives
You departed so quickly leaving behind unforgettable memories especially your two children (when we look at them tears keep rolling in our eyes and see how they really resembles you)
You will always be in our heart, our prayers and in our thoughts
May your soul rest in eternal peace.
Sadly missed by sister Nelda,Langia, Mum May, Dad Harry ,brothers Hussel & Lloyd and your two children Shannia & Danio

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