In Memory of Mama

by Laurie Ann Stone
(Spokane Washington)

When I was 18 my mom passed away I miss her so much still. Bless her heart Carol Ann Reynolds 7-12-1942 to 8-2-1985. All these years still I miss her. I remember some fun things. One time we were working on a puzzle together as she loved to do. I was finding pieces faster at that moment then she was. It was a 1000 piece puzzle, she picked up the box and threw it at me pieces went everywhere. we both just laughed.

Then one time we were shopping and she wasn't doing well I was pushing her around in a wheelchair. We got to the produce area to get what we need. That was when they had the hoses to spray the produce instead of the spray on the produce racks. She stood up and walked to the produce and said, "I'm healed" just playing cause she got up from her wheelchair and then she grabbed the hose and sprayed me with the water. I was soaked. The employees didn't like it much but we had fun.

Now as mother myself and grandmother I like to play and have fun like that in remembrance of my mom. I have read a book called Motherless Daughters. It helped me. Its hard to go on different milestones of my life that I don't get to share or go to mommy for comfort but I do take comfort in knowing I will see her again in Heaven.

Thank you for this site to be able to share my stories of my mom. To others I saw two quotes that helps me too.

Hold on tight to your mom's memories, she is there, watching you.

My nic name was "LO" so this one hits me hard.

Matthew 28:20: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

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